The Glitter Fingers Collective
Friday 27 October
13:00h – 14:00h
The Glitter Fingers Collective – Toxic Relations

Are we in a toxic relationship with waste? How much freedom and choice do we really have in them? The Glitter Fingers collective explores this complicated situation through a colourful performance, resonance, and spontaneous conversations on the streets of The Hague. In this intervention they offer mediation and help to transform our toxic bond with waste.

The Glitter Fingers Collective

The Glitter Fingers Collective wishes to make fun, spread love and art that stick the same way glitters do, but also to make the world a better place. It is a spontaneous artivist base that creates and spreads stories that stay, survive and can be embodied. In a playful way its members search for the boundaries of existence, as artists, activists and mostly as human beings living in the great turning. They travel the world, spread sticky art and let everybody shine. The Glitter Fingers Collective consists of Hannah van der Schaaf, Chantal van Lieshout, Mirte van den Bos, Aydee Derix, Judith Reijnders, Wanda Tiersma and Karolina Wargin.

The Grey Space in the Middle - The Hague + Streets of The Hague
Free entrance – no reservation required