Wednesday 25 October
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Glued & Screwed #12: Film screening in collaboration with WYSIWYG

In this collaboration wysiwyg and collective.wasteland co-created a film program that makes you sensorially experience the streams of waste from its origins to its destinations, exploring the complex entanglements of waste across different geographies.

We bring together ‘Core Dump - Dakar’ (2018) and ‘Core Dump - Shenzhen’ (2019) by Francois Knoetze, ‘Plastic bag’ (2017) by Miloš Tomić and ‘Single Stream’ (2014) by Ernst Karel, Toby Lee and Paweł Wojtasik.



Core Dump - Dakar (2018, 13’) and Core Dump - Shenzhen (2019, 13’) - Francois Knoetze.

English language and subtitles

A series of 4 films, Kinshasa (2018), Shenzhen (2019), New York (2019) and Dakar (2018). The project explores the relationship between digital technology, cybernetics, colonialism and the reenchanted notion of a Non-Aligned Humanist Utopia.

The four films of Core Dump are rhizomatic assemblages of found footage,  performance documentation and recorded interviews that form narrative portraits of the uncertainty in the nervous system of the digital earth. The films are fragmented arrangements of images and sounds, with each  chapter forming links across geographic and temporal discontinuities.

Plastic Bags (2007, 5’) - Miloš Tomić

No dialogue, no subtitles

Looking for poetry in everyday life is no simple matter. So try finding it in garbage! This is a passionate, romantic drama with most unusual and unexpected characters – plastic trash bags. This short film is full of humor, emotion and mystery – because it really is a puzzle how the director was able to present such ‘actors’ so convincingly.

Single Stream (2014, 4K CinemaScope, 5.1 surround sound, 23’) - Paweł Wojtasik, Toby Lee, Ernst Karel

No dialogue, no subtitles

Single Stream takes a close look at the problem of waste, through a visual and sonic exploration of a recycling facility. The title refers to the “single stream” method of recycling in which all types of recyclables are initially gathered together, and sorted later at a specialized facility. With Single Stream, viewers enter one of the largest of these materials recovery facilities in the US. Inside a cavernous building, a vast machine complex runs like clock-work, sorting a steady stream of glass, metal, paper and plastic carried on conveyor belts criss-crossing the space, dotted with workers in neon vests. The interwoven movements of human and machine produce sounds and images that are overwhelming, but also beautiful, and even revelatory. Blurring the line between observation and abstraction, Single Stream is a meditation on our society's culture of excess and its consequences.

Program composed in collaboration with:

What You See Is What You Get
Wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) is an organisation from The Hague (Netherlands) that creates space for artists with film-making practices. Through experimentation with events, programming, and dialogue, wysiwyg strengthens the playful exchange between artists, audiences and works. By weaving local and international networks, they add a stronger position for artists with film-making practices in the cinematic landscape.

wysiwyg is run by Ruben Verkuylen, Mike Kokken and Julian Doove.

Filmhuis - Den Haag
Filmhuis event page